Freda Pwerle ‘04827’

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Dreaming: Jarpa Dreaming

Size: 36cm x 51cm

Year: 2002

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SKU: DG04827 Category:


Freda Pwerle

Artwork Information

This piece was painted in 2002 and is 51cm x 36cm in size.


Jarpa – The Atnwelarre is a trailing herb or creeper, sometimes covering large areas, with bright green leaves, yellow flowers and long skinny yams (swollen roots). These are an important food source which can be eaten raw or cooked in hot sand and ashes.


All the artwork provided is done on with highest quality linen canvas, acrylic paints, oils and brushes ensuring the longevity of each piece of work.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 37 × 51 cm


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