Lizzie Pwerle ‘06510’

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Dreaming: Women’s Dance

Size: 122cm x 166cm

Year: 2005

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SKU: PG06510 Categories: , , Tag:


Lizzie Pwerle was there when the women from Utopia first caught the attention of the international art world with the Batik project of the late 1970s and the move to painting in the 1980s. Learn more about Lizzie Pwerle here.

Artwork Information

This piece was painted in 2005 and is 122cm x 166cm in size.


The Bush Orange Lizzie paints is a particular fruit that grows in Atnwengerrp. Once very abundant but now scarce due to over grazing, this species was a stable source of bush tucker for Aboriginals. The fruit grows on a thin long stalk and is larger than a passionfruit. It is green when unripe turning yellow in maturity. It is soft inside and is often compared to the flavour of custard apple. The fruit is consumed raw with the tough outer skin discarded or laid out to dry to consumed during months when bush tucker is scarce.

The physical creation of this Dreaming is an important part of the bush tucker ceremonies conducted by the Utopia women. Artworks such as ‘Bush Orange’ & “Womens Ceremony” ensures the continuation of an ancient and rich cultural heritage while acknowledging the close bond still retained by the artist to her country. Learn more here.


All the artwork provided is done on with highest quality linen canvas, acrylic paints, oils and brushes ensuring the longevity of each piece of work.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 122 × 166 cm


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