Barbara Weir ‘7146’

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My Mother’s Country

Size: 180cm x 120cm

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SKU: DG07146 Categories: , ,

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In the background of her paintings, Barbara often depicts the temporary campsites that her people made as they trekked across the country in search of food or the coolamans used by the women to collect wild fruits and berries. She sometimes shows the form of a woman’s body adorned with ochre pigments collected from the land in preparation for the ceremonies. Small or large semi-circular shapes represent hills and valleys, and the lines of dry river beds and streams wind across the canvas as they do at Utopia. Learn more here.

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All the artwork provided is done on with highest quality linen canvas, acrylic paints, oils and brushes ensuring the longevity of each piece of work.


Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 180 × 120 cm

